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We Want Gun Control

!! Donate To Scott Brown for Senate. Massachusetts 2010 Midterm Election on Tue 19-Jan-2010 !!

US Congress

US Flag

The 1st Session of the 111th Congress started Thursday, Jan 8, 2009.

Firearms Legislation In The 111th Congress

Washingtons US and State Elected Officials

Call/fax/email or write your US Senators or Representative.
Call/fax/email or write each Sponsor.
Find which committee has each bill, Call/fax/email or write each member.
Call/fax/email or write the Senate Majority Leader and House Majority Leader.
Washington Votes

TOLL FREE Congressional Switchboard Numbers
800-833-6354, 866-808-0065, 866-340-9281
877-762-8762, 888-355-3588

Washington State

WA Flag

The 2nd session of the WA State Legislature started Monday, January 11, 2010.

Washington State Senators and Representatives

On Monday Jan 11 2010, the gavel will sound in Olympia to signify the beginning of the 60-day Legislative Session. The central issue to be considered this year will be how to solve the multi-billion dollar deficit created by the overspending of Gov. Gregoire and the Democrats. In addition, legislation that affects every aspect of your life from education to health care to transportation to public safety will also be considered.

It is vital to keep up the pressure and communicate with your Senator and Representatives
Hotline: 1-800-562-6000
Write a letter to your Senator or Representatives.
Write a letter to each Sponsor.
Find which committee has each bill, Write a letter to each member.

Search for Bills in the WA State Legislature

Some Great Sites...

Arms and the Law
Buckeye Firearms Association
Doctors For Sensible Gun Laws
Effectively Communicating With Your Lawmakers
Gun Control by State
Gun Laws
Gun Owners' Action League
Gun Owners of America
Gun Bills In The 111th
Gun Owners of California
Guns Save Lifes
Keep And Bear Arms
National Rifle Association
NRA Members' Counclls of Callfornia
Ohioans for Concealed Carry
Oregon Firearms Federation
Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Sisters
The Firearms Academy of Seattle
Washington Arms Collectors
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Washington State Elected Officials
Women Against Gun Control


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