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Michael's Wishlist Merrilee's Wishlist A Soldier's Christmas Week Before Xmas
Album Index General EWA 2010 Day 1 EWA 2010 Day 2 EWA 2010 Day 3 EWA 2010 Day 4 Whidbey Island 2010 L & C 2009 LWT 2009 Woodland Park 2009 Old Car Show 2009 West End Trip 2009 TCF 2008 JCF 2008 Civil War 2008 Mount Rainier 2007 Steam Train 2007 Almany Rose 2007 West End Trip 2006 JCF 2006 CCF 2006 Wine Highway 2006 Murhut Falls 2006 Dosewallips 2006
Michael's Wish List for 2025
ver: 39

Just a Reminder. There Are Only...
56Shopping Days Remaining Until Michael's Birthday!
96Shopping Days Remaining Until Fathers Day!
289Shopping Days Remaining Until Christmas Day!

American Flyer S-Gage Train Cars
53-57 9xx non operaing cars only! Excellent or better! (E, E+, LN)
 933 BALTIMORE & OHIO, 53-54, white and tuscan, $70
 980 BALTIMORE & OHIO, 56-57, blue-orange stripe, $210
 981 CENTRAL OF GEORGIA, 56, dull black and silver, $250
 981 CENTRAL OF GEORGIA, 56-57, shiny black and silver, $190
 983 MISSOURI PACIFIC, 56-57, gray-blue stripe, $220
 985 B M, 57, blue, $175
Refrigerator Cars
 988 AMERICAN REFRIGERATOR & TRANSIT CO, 56-57, orange-silver, $155
 989 NORTHWESTERN, 56-57, green-yellow, $255
Stock Cars
 929 MISSOURI PACIFIC, 57, red, open slats, $???
 994 UNION PACIFIC, 57, yellow-silver, open slats, $230
Tank Cars
 910 GILBERTS CHEMICALS, 54, green-yellow, die-cast, $325
 912 KOPPERS, 56-57, black, die-cast, $165
 926 GULF, 55-57, three dome, silver, die-cast, $85
 958 MOBILGAS, 57, red, die-cast, $150
Flat Cars
 936 PENNSYLVANIA, 55-57, tuscan, depressed-center western electric reel, $220
53-57 Steam Engines Excellent or better! (E, E+, LN)
 293 New York, New Haven & Hartford 4-6-2, 53-57, Loco and Tender, small motor, $175
 336 Union Pacific 4-8-4, 53-56, Loco and Tender, large motor, $950
 343 Nickel Plate Road 0-8-0, 53-57, Switcher, Loco and Tender, small motor, $475
 346 Nickel Plate Road 0-8-0, 55, Switcher, Loco and Tender, small motor, $950
AF Train Sites, Shop till you drop...
 Marty's American Flyer Trains This one is the best!
 Mark's American Flyer Trains
 Don's American Flyer Trains

Levi 550 100% cotton 34x30 $35
 JC Penney or Mervyn's Levi 505 100% cotton 34x30 $35
 JC Penney or Mervyn's
Levi Dockers loose fit 100% cotton 33x30 $35
 JC Penney or Mervyn's
Washington Huskies anything size:L $??
 UW Book Store or JC Penney
Long Sleve Shirts size:M or 15.5 x 33
 Sears or The Bon or ?
ComputerGear t-shirts size:L and shirt size:M
 shirt titles:
 1456AS gray Help You Out $20
 1356BK black Pi $20
 1261BK black I Will NOT Fix $20
 1026BK black Byte Me $20
 1869PU Pumpkin Pi $20
 ComputerGear 4028 148th Ave NE Redmond, WA 90852 1-800-373-6353
Playboy Store
 12550 Baseball Cap black $20.00
 Playboy Store or Playboy Catalog 1-800-423-9494

Chevrolet Truck I.D.Numbers 1946-1972 #46-15050 $22
 Truck Shop 1-800-243-8947
Chevrolet Pick up Buyer's Guide #18-15060 $19
 Truck Shop 1-800-243-8947
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
 by Stephen W. Hawking Hardcover ISBN: 0553109537 $28
 Barnes & Noble or any book store
Bad Kitties ISBN: 1-59543-151-9 $15
Why Cats Do That by Karen Anderson ISBN: 1-57223-405-9 $14
 Willow Creek Press

2010 Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Wall Calendar $15
 Barnes & Noble or any mall calendar shop
2010 Playboy Playmate Wall Calendar PB-6600016 $10
 Playboy Store or Playboy Catalog 1-800-423-9494

Farscape - The Complete 1-4 Season DVD's $120 each
 any video store or Barnes & Noble
Dark Angel - The Complete 2nd Season DVD's $40
 any video store or Barnes & Noble
Stargate SG-1 Seasons 1-10 Box Set DVD's $300
Stargate SG-1 Seasons 1-9 Singles DVD's $40 each
 any video store or Barnes & Noble
Wes Craven's New Nightmare UPC: 0780630904 EAN: 794043502224 $11
 any video store or Barnes & Noble

Jigsaw Puzzles:
World's Most Difficult Jigsaw Puzzle - 'Cats' $15
World's Most Difficult Jigsaw Puzzle - 'Golf Madness' $15
 by: Buffalo Games Inc.
Impossibles Puzzle 'Flower Child' $15
 by: Bepuzzled
 Any Puzzle Store
Old Impossibles puzzle 'Lost in the Woods' $??
 by: Bepuzzled
 Try Ebay or ????

Gift Certificate InSights Training Center, Inc. 425-827-2552

Rifles, Shotguns:
Barrett M82A1 29" Barrel
 Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. 615-896-2938
Barrett 98B
 Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. 615-896-2938
Vigilance Rifles VR1 338 Lapua or 408 Cheytac
 Vigilance Rifles 909-307-8877
AA9126 Scout Squad Rifle with black fiberglass stock/carbon barrel
 Springfield Armory 800-680-6866
Border Patrol 18" barrel SBP-A
 Wilson Combat 800-955-4856

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